My Conficker Note
Sorry for not posting for a bit, my personal life has been busy lately (we moved, hopefully the last time for a long, long time.).
There has been a lot said about the Conficker (downadup, kido, april fools day worm, etc...). I can't really add anything new that hasn't already been said on the Security Bloggers Network. What I would like to say is that I hope that what it does is simply make all the infected computers say "Happy Birthday, Vovo!" because the now infamous April 1st target is my Vovo's birthday and I always for get to call. (If it does do this, I swear, I didn't make it happen...).
(Yes this is my sense of humor, and if you like it then I am your friend for life - nobody gets me :o)
Posted on 12:34 PM by Tim Cronin and filed under
There has been a lot said about the Conficker (downadup, kido, april fools day worm, etc...). I can't really add anything new that hasn't already been said on the Security Bloggers Network. What I would like to say is that I hope that what it does is simply make all the infected computers say "Happy Birthday, Vovo!" because the now infamous April 1st target is my Vovo's birthday and I always for get to call. (If it does do this, I swear, I didn't make it happen...).
(Yes this is my sense of humor, and if you like it then I am your friend for life - nobody gets me :o)
[... ] is one relavant source on this subject[...]
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