Blogging and twittering

Hi All,

Although it may seem like I've been gone a while, I have actually been blogging elsewhere. I have been contributing regularly to I haven't been posting here, well, because I simply don't have time for both ;o) I will see if I can repost to my blog here. Most articles are written as general commentary and tips for tech generalists that don't focus on security all day, but need to be mindful of basic security issues.

Also, I am now on twitter. Follow me @tccroninv

On a personal note, Ben is growing up way too fast. He is talking up a storm, potty training, getting really really tall and just simply being the average 20-month-old. He is the best thing ever. In the history of ever.
Posted on 1:10 PM by Tim Cronin and filed under | 15 Comments »